Forbes Library

Image ID: WPC 01:174 01 174.jpg
Black and white image of Forbes Library in Northampton. Point of view is from across West St. Before the street, there is a metal fence and there are several bushes as well. Across the street, there are a few pedestrians walking up one of the paths to the library, and others walking on the sidewalk along West St. There are very few trees on the lawn (the couple that are there are small and bare). Larger trees line the property behind the building and other houses can be seen past the trees.

Image Details

Dublin Core
Forbes Library
Black and white image of Forbes Library in Northampton. Point of view is from across West St. Before the street, there is a metal fence and there are several bushes as well. Across the street, there are a few pedestrians walking up one of the paths to the library, and others walking on the sidewalk along West St. There are very few trees on the lawn (the couple that are there are small and bare). Larger trees line the property behind the building and other houses can be seen past the trees.
Donation of the Gutterman-Pohlman Family, Northampton. 2017
WPC 01:174
Northampton, Mass
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Physical Dimensions
Print size: 3.5" x 5.5"


“Forbes Library,” Forbes Library Images from the Archives (Legacy site: Pre-2022), accessed October 24, 2024,