3 items match your search for items with the tag "Valleys".-
An Higher View
Identifier: ART123.
Format: Oil on canvas.
Creator: Lewis Bryden.
An oil painting of the Connecticut river valley.
Displayed in the Forbes Library Reference Room, Northampton, MA. -
Pioneer Valley Landscape
Identifier: CORBIN.
Creator: Walter E. Corbin.
Nitrate negative. A view of the valley possibly from Mt. Sugarloaf. The clouds were painted on the negative by Corbin and the colors are caused by nitrate instability. -
Hon. E. H. Sawyer's Garden, and Manhan Valley.
Identifier: ST218.
Hon. E. H. Sawyer's Garden, and Manhan Valley.
Views in the Connecticut Valley.
F. H. Putnam & Co., Publishers, East Hampton, Massachusetts.
sticker on rear of card: from…